Friday, January 30, 2009

i have a 5 year old!

i can't even begin to describe how it feels to actually have a 5 year old daughter. it's crazy! it's strange because it feels like it's been forever since she's been born (0ver 5 years) and yet it feels like just yesterday we packaged her tiny body up in her warm bunting bag and fixed her in her carseat for the first LONG drive home from Winnipeg. -50 celsius... blowing snow... new parents extremely nervous driving with their first baby! what a combo, huh? it obviously turned out all ok. with everything that was rough and tough during that "4th trimester" i was lucky enough that breastfeeding went well. what a champ she was! i was blessed that it went so easily with her. but of course not everything was easy. sleepness nights, oodles of crying, the endless bouncing on that damn exercise ball, anxiousness that she would stop breathing at any second during the night, etc, etc. oh how i wish i could have been less worried and enjoyed more. in hindsight i wish i would have cherished each moment because it was so very short. now she's all grown up and ready for kindergarten in the fall. i am proud of the girl she's becomming. she's sweet, precise, thoughtful, creative, organized, beautiful inside and out, funny, silly, smart and so much more. she brings so much joy to our lives and we couldn't imagine life without her.

Kaia Faith... you are an amazing little girl and we're so blessed to have you as our daughter! we love you!!


j3k said...

I read this and it brings back so many memories for me! Promise to cherish the next 13 years because before you blink she will be 18!!! My son turned 18 in January and I still remember bringing him home like it was yesterday and driving him all night long during his colic nights (because it was the ONLY thing that soothed him) and now we are looking at colleges and he is 6'7 and a man. I feel like I blinked and he was grown. I remember my parents saying that I thought they were crazy but now I understand and it's true! I'm going through pictures right now and picking out his photos for the yearbook and graduation. It just doesn't seem possible. Embrace every moment and every hug and every event!!! They grow up so fast. Once school starts you blink and they are off to college. God bless you and your beautiful family. Cherish it all!!!

Hearts and Hugs
The Wimsett

ps. I wish I would have known about blogging years ago. I have just started about a month ago so I could journal for my kids. I think this is all so wonderful for them to be able to go back and read someday :)

Anonymous said...

very nicely put. Jakob just turned 2 and there are many moments when I just have to take a step back and drink in the moment, because, as you and the Wimsett say, it'll all go by so fast.
