Friday, December 2, 2011


again, these are from the past couple of weeks...

my life as of late!
two little munchkins hitching a ride!

ladies church event... a good friend was speaking and my dear friend, D and i wouldn't have missed it!
yes, i bring my "camera" to church.
only b/c it's my phone... and my father in law was stuck watching my girls.
i had to have it on in case he needed my help.  ha ha!

my sweet grandma, or "omi" as we affectionately call her.
we went to visit last week and got to go swimming at her apartment pool.
a highlight for my girls, for sure!
i just wish we lived closer than an hour away. :(

pole dancing in the cart at dollarama.
doesn't get any classier than this.

fur stoles is where it's at, yo!
don't you know it?!
ha ha!
my sweet pal and i on a shopping escapade.

enjoying my new pretties!
(even when you're christmas shopping for others you can treat yourself, right?)

a glimpse of my home made teacher gift.
thank you, pinterest!
you are a time waster... but you give me inspiration and help me to be creative!

choosing a christmas tree to take home.

the one we chose... undecorated.

 the same tree... WITH all the trimmings!

christmas baking!
hard on the feet standing all day... but love having a freezer full of yummy goodies to share!

sushi date with one of my oldest and dearest friends.
it's like a piece of art!

my little stinkster!
one of her favorite treats... sour cream.
go figure?!
so i put it over some raspberries and blackberries and she devoured it.
strange girl... but i LOVE her!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I LOVE your first picture, so cute! And all of your Christmas goodies look so yummy! I need to get to baking...