Sunday, November 24, 2013

insecurity and hope

insecurity is one of the worst weapons used by the enemy against women.
insecurity is bred through the simplest lies whispered into our ears.
'you're not enough.'
'she's better than you.'
'you haven't been there when you should have.'
'you can't eat that.'
'you're going to lose it all.'
'change is bad.'
'you can never do that.'
'i don't belong.'
'you can never be that person.'
it can eat us alive.
literally, from the inside, out.
when insecurity creeps up on us, we can choose to do one of two things.
we can run away... frightened, maimed and hurt... and let the enemy win.
or we can face it head on, being confident in how the Lord sees us.
our confidence isn't found in how we react to a situation or the type of person we are ("i don't do what that person does, so that means i'm good.").
we shouldn't get into the habit of patting ourselves on the back when we do 'better'.
we should though, look at how Jesus sees us.
because, seriously... we are going to continue to sin.
we will keep letting people down.
we will keep hurting ourselves in the process.
where should we find our confidence?
our confidence is to be found in Jesus Christ.
we can boast in Him!
and Him alone!
and we don't need to let all the worries of today or the worries of tomorrow damage us.
and when those stretching opportunities arise, because you know they will, we need to choose to walk with empty hands.
we need to see the beauty in releasing those insecurities.
letting go of our fears...
fears of people, places, things, circumstances.
we need to work on finding true joy and hope in Him.
He absolutely knows the very deepest desires of our hearts.
He doesn't want to see us hurt in vain.
even if we end up going through some very difficult times, He's using it as a way to refine us.
to make us more like Him.
to have a heart like Him.
so when you're feeling like you're failing, cling to Him.
to His word.
to His presence.
to the hope He brings.
Christ is for you... and He wants to fight for you.
you don't need to anymore.
He is good, always good.
 (some more recent instagrams from when we were visiting my parents in texas)

1 comment:

upholstery design said...

Hi, I got an inspiration fro reading your post and blog, and the quotes of hope against all odds. I love your post.